Praise for Sight Reading Secrets
This is the best series I've ever found and is so thorough and exactly what pupils need. I do take sight reading very seriously and find other books move too fast. I tell my pupils that they need to know their notes as well as they know their times tables. Also I find this is the best series to help them to move by feel, without constantly looking down at the keys.
UK Piano Teacher
Dear Rebecca,
Further to our original purchase of Sight Reading Secrets Book 1, and now our recent purchase of Book 2 in advance for next year, I thought I'd let you know that my 10 year old boy did his Grade 1 AMEB Piano exam last Friday. He recieved the best possible mark of 'A+' High Distinction! (Last year in Prelim he got 'A' Honours) I have no doubt whatsoever he could not have achieved this without your book. In fact, he did a real "crash course" as we bought the first book only about 10 weeks ago, specifically as a last-ditch attempt to get him more proficient with his sight reading. Prior to the book, he just wasn't confident or secure, no matter what I tried.
From the start, he liked the book, and although we zoomed through it intensively, he enjoyed doing it. (before he dreaded sight reading!) He quickly became confident and in the weeks just prior to the exam went through all the exercises several times! He said he then found the sight reading in the exam EASY!
The proof is in his result. He's now looking forward to next years' book, (at a more leisurely pace!)
Thank-you so much,
and all the best,Gordon.
I have always found sight reading to be a difficult challenge for students: how to practice sight reading at home, how to learn pieces more quickly. Since using Sight Reading Secrets I have found a focus for a student's learning. They have set tasks and a daily routine. Not only that, I do believe they enjoy it! Not like in my day!
Elizabeth Drake, teacher
I like the contrasting sight-reading activities that help the students learn in different ways. The secret songs are fun for the students, and fun for me!
The students build their sight reading skills at home through working at many sight-reading examples between one lesson and the next.
While we continue to work on sight reading during our weekly lessons, the students have lots of examples to practice at home during the week.
I found those books very helpful in the development of sight-reading and in preparation for the exam.
Margarita Krupina, teacher
Other books often commence “both hands” sight reading very early, but Sight Reading Secrets teaches important steps that help the students play with ease.
The students learn to understand key signatures as the keys are introduced gradually, and also with tips like looking for the raised seventh note in minor examples.
I am constantly using the Sight Reading Secrets books with my students, and I swear by them!
My students are very motivated by the “stories” in the Note Reading Secrets books, and often ask if they can do more!
I set just a page or two of Sight Reading Secrets for homework, and their sight-reading in exams is getting much better. Consistent practice of sight-reading is easily achievable: they can do just one example a day, or a few examples several times a week, rather than just one session of sight reading at the lesson.
Margaret O’Grady, teacher